We’re grateful to have an outstanding group of volunteers working together to make life better for others here and in surrounding communities. If you’re looking to share your time and talents, please consider volunteering at any of our campuses. You can bring joy and comfort to so many people while making friends, learning new skills, teaching others, and staying active and involved. Our volunteer program includes residents who live on our campuses as well as individuals from the surrounding community. We would love for you to join us.

How You Can Help

  1. Welcome visitors at the front desk
  2. Help with activities and events
  3. Plant flowers
  4. Provide clerical assistance
  5. Make deliveries on campus
  6. Escort residents to activities
  7. Be a therapy aide
  8. Provide acupuncture, Reiki massage therapy or aromatherapy
  9. Make pet therapy visits
  10. Provide companionship for hospice patients
  11. Serve on committees
  12. Knit or crochet winter hats and prayer shawls
  13. Socialize and play games and cards with homebound residents
Couple gardening together

Want to learn more?